As well as all world capitals, Prechristmas London looks very elegantly. Besides, in the future winter sale of the price in the London shops do not drive in depression, and opposite – invigorate and inspire on shops-feats. If you go to London for the first time, in your program except shops there should be the Buckingham palace, a Trafalgarsky area, Sacred Pavel's temple, walk by the red two-storeyed bus and other classical entertainments.

To look at a city from above it is possible during half-hour "flight" on big wheel London Eye (www.londoneye.com, 22 pounds/nearby 1000 rbl.). When you will spend all money in shops – go in well-known, besides free (all!), the London museums: the British museum, "Tejt-modernist style", Музеи natural study and a science, Victoria and Albert's Museum.
If you do not have concrete English marks-yofavoritov for which you are ready to give soul or not one hundred pounds (for example, Vivienne Westwood or Agent Provocateur), go on Oxford Street and Regent Street. Here have settled down New Look, Doroty Perkins, Topshop, Accessorize, Mexx, H&M and other pleasures. On Bond Street and Knightsbridge are registered classical English универмаги (Harrods, Harvey Nichols), and also local children's world Hamleys and smart bookshop Waterstones.

Do not trust the one who will tell to you that the English cuisine further porridge has not promoted. At least it is possible to find weight of all in London tasty (and let it product of culinary specialists-foreigners will be more often). Behind national colour go to pubs (for example, Albert Pub on Victoria Street) to try various English ales (dense dark or easy fruit). At restaurant order juicy roast beef.

Night life.
London is overflowed by dancing addresses. In Herbal (14 Kingsland Rd E2) two dancings where all night long replace each other a disco, hip-hop, R’n’B and so forth; in Astoria (157-165 Charing Cross Rd WC2) often give star concerts, and well-known Fabrik (77A Charterhouse St. EC1) – simply best club Yomira according to 600 DJs-foreigners. After clubs are closed (usually hour per 3 mornings), fashionable party moves in Bar Italia (22 Frith Wt W1) and whiles away time till a dawn behind coffee and secular chatter.

Sights of London.
The Westminster abbey - in it begins and comes to an end royal destiny: in its walls the British monarchs are crowned, here they find eternal rest.
Besides, the Westminster abbey is well-known for the "a corner of poets". In honour of become history English creators - Shakespeare, Chosera, Milton, Vordsvorta, Dickens and many other things are established memorial boards. But the present tombs of not all mentioned poets are here.
In the Westminster lock on coast of Thames since 13 centuries - behind medieval walls, unapproachable and majestic, as if symbolising firmness of one of the oldest democratic institutes the English parliament sits at Europe. It is impossible to pass by the well-known Big Ben (Big Ben), hours on which keep count of time since 1859. Actually Big Ben is a name not towers and not hours, and an hour bell.
As it is firm there is ashore a Tower - an ancient fortress and the prison which gloomy walls saw a lot of blood, including royal. Necessarily pay attention to security guards of a Tower - Beefeaters - in magnificent uniforms.
The Tauersky bridge (Tower bridge) Over dark waters of Thames was stretched the well-known Tauersky bridge recognised, probably, all over the world. It became the same symbol of London, as Tour d'Eiffel - Paris, Freedom statue - New York. It seems even banal, is so close its image is connected with capital of England. Nevertheless, again and again it shakes the spectator by grandeur and severity of forms.
At night medieval gloom of the Tauersky bridge disappears and, thanks to modern illumination, it appears at us as a certain fantastic, fantastic construction.
England - the country of traditions which are supported by its inhabitants with love and at times ridiculous meticulousness.
Probably, the most ancient and favourite national tradition is a monarchy. Its symbol - the Buckingham palace - the residence of queen Elizabeth II nowadays opened for survey to general public.
In the western part of London there is one of the most well-known monuments of London - St. Paul's Cathedral (арх. Christopher Ren).Этот a Protestant temple has been conceived and constructed as opposition to Sacred Peter's Catholic temple in Rome in 1666-1711гг.
After a strong fire (the Great Fire of London) on a place of the burnt down church of VII century, after almost 8 years works on temple restoration have begun. Christopher Ren has put the first stone in the basis of the future temple (on June, 21st 1675г.) also has written on it about the following - "the temple will rise again". It needed 35 years to construct a new temple. That all worked almost free of charge is especially remarkable.
Its decorative furniture does not contain a plentiful moulding, gilding, sculptures, but architectural forms, their details are executed at high level.
Threefold dome of a cathedral (height 120м) - an integral part of a silhouette of London. At the temple basis (diameter 32м) is "whisper gallery" which acoustic effect is that that the word told in a whisper on one party, distinctly is reproduced on another.
On the western facade, on its both parties - two towers - belltowers. In the left tower-12 bells, in right the main bell of England, "the Big Floor" (16т.) Its sound is audible for 37 km. Hours with a dial have diameter 15м.
At a front entrance - a monument to queen Anna. Magnificent lattices from shod iron (Jean Tizhu's work), there is no time protecting a cathedral, have remained partially.

The cathedral body (1694) masters Uillisa is considered the best in England.
In a cathedral it is possible to hear the well-known chorus. Still nine centuries ago, the Bishop of London of that time has based chorus of boys for the Cathedral (in 1127).
From end XVIIIв. St. Paul's Cathedral is a traditional burial place of English celebrities (a tomb of the Lord of Nelson). Here has found last shelter its founder Sen - the Floor Christopher Ren (has died in 1723).
The inscription on a gravestone of the architect says: "If you search for a monument - look around".
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